Streetpride aims to work with Derby's communities and to involve them in improving their local environment.
Through Streetpride, we are giving communities more control over the appearance of their street and local environment, including some control over how and where money is spent. Streetpride focuses on the customer and will make a positive difference to the way customers interact with us and our street-based services.
The main services covered by Streetpride are:
- Bulky waste collection
- Dog fouling
- Fly tipping
- Fly posting
- Graffiti
- Grass cutting
- Household waste
- Litter
- Parking in Derby
- Road and path maintenance
- Lighting - street lights
- Syringe disposal
- Lighting - traffic lights
- Trees
How do I report a problem or request a service?
You can do this using our online forms:
- Apply for assisted waste collection for older and disabled people
- Apply for a bin deliveries and removals
- Report something that needs cleaning up on a street, road or park
- Report a grass cutting issue
- Report a hedge cutting or tree issue
- Report a missed bin.
You can also contact us using the Streetpride e-form.
How long will you take to respond to my report?
Problem with refuse and bin collection
We will:
- attempt to empty bins that we have missed within two working days.
- remove bulky items (after receipt of payment) on the day of appointment.
Problem with roads or pavements
We will:
- repair a broken street light within five working days of it being reported.
- clear up a spillage on the roads within four hours after being reported.
- attend to a dangerous defect on the road or pavement within four hours of it being reported.
- make safe missing manhole covers, for example public and private sewers, gas, water or BT apparatus within four hours and inform the owner.
- give an estimate for a vehicle dropped crossing within ten working days from receipt of a formal request.
Problem with trees and hedges
We will:
- make safe dangerous and overhanging trees/vegetation on highway land. If necessary, the danger will be guarded within four hours and cutting back will be carried out within five working days.
- make safe dangerous and overhanging trees/vegetation on private land. If necessary, the danger will be guarded within four hours and a leaflet will be sent to the landowner within 14 days. Enforcement action will start if no action has been taken by the landowner after 14 days.
Problem with litter, graffiti or dog fouling
We will:
- remove fly tips on Council land within two working days of it being reported
- remove fouling on Council land within one working day of it being reported
- empty overflowing litter and dog waste bins within one working day of it being reported
- remove racist or offensive graffiti within 24 hours of it being reported
- remove non-offensive graffiti within five working days of it being reported.
- remove drug litter within two hours if reported before 4pm and within the next working day if reported after 4pm.