Explosives and petrol licensing
Derby City Council is also responsible for issuing licences for the storage and sale of up to 2000kg of explosives and fireworks.
To sell fireworks, you need to have a storage licence. Fireworks can only be sold during four periods each year:
- October 15 to November 10
- December 26 to December 31
- on the first day of the Chinese New Year and the three days immediately preceding it
- on the day of Diwali and the three days immediately preceding it.
If you wish to sell outside of these times you must also apply for an additional separate licence to sell fireworks all year round.
Certain categories of fireworks cannot legally be sold to members of the public and note that it is illegal to sell fireworks to anyone under the age of 18. Further information is available on our trader advice pages.
Who issues petrol licences?
We are responsible for issuing licences and certificates for the storage and dispensing of petrol, as well as carrying out inspections to ensure that petrol is stored and dispensed safely.
Most commercial premises storing and dispensing petrol will need to be registered and issued with either a certificate or licence. Some domestic premises may also need to be registered. Please contact us to discuss your specific circumstances.
What if I need another type of licence?
Our Licensing team issue other types of licences, including:
- alcohol licences
- gambling licences
- taxi licences
- animal activity licences (for pet shops, animal boarding, breeding, riding and exhibitions)
How do I apply for an explosives or petroleum licence?
For an application pack and information about fees, please contact us.