Schools Accessibility Strategy
Here is our Accessibility Strategy 2019-22.
Under the Equality Act 2010, we have to have an Accessibility Strategy. Each school must also have an Access Plan, which sets out how they will improve access to:
- the curriculum for disabled children and young people
- school buildings
- information.
The specific duties and regulations within the Equality Act 2010 require schools to:
- Publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty.
- Prepare and publish equality objectives.
This information will also be included in or available through each school’s SEN Information Report that can be found on their school websites.
(The Equality Duty is proportionate - the duty will not be the same for a small primary school as they are for a large secondary school.)
We have recently published a reviewed and updated version of our Action Plan. Here are some of the documents we have worked on to implement this:
- School governors equality and accessibility plan training slides
- Transition Report Template
- Access Audit of Schools 2017
- Equality Guidance for Schools Information Portal
For more details about disabled children’s learning and other activities see our Local Offer and Resources for Schools and also our Family Hub.