Voice Of The Child toolkit
Practitioners working with children and young people have developed a set of engagement tools to capture the voice of the child or young person.
These must not be used as assessment tools but can help to inform any assessments or plans.
These tools are to:
- enable the child or young person to have a voice which is listened to and acted upon
- enable the child or young person to give their view on the support they receive
- enable the child or young person to identify what help they would like and who from
- enable the child or young person to identify and share what is important to them
- enable practitioners to build positive relationships and gain a better understanding of the child or young person to best support their needs
- enable the child or young person to give their views on actions for change
- enable the child or young person to review what has worked or not worked for them
- improve outcomes and evidence what difference listening to the child or young person has made.
Please make sure you read the guidance for each tool, it has been written to advise you on how to get the best out of the toolkit.
The documents listed are intended for print use and have not been made accessible. If you require them in an accessible format, please email adele.styles@derby.gov.uk.