We work with a range of communities to help promote recycling. This includes children and young people through our work with schools, youth groups, scouts, brownies and more. We also work with adult groups such as the Women’s Institute.
We deliver interactive talks to classes and school assemblies. If required and where possible, we can tailor our talks and activities to fit in with your curriculum.
Each workshop contains a mixture of practical activities and group discussion to explore the topic. Here are the workshops we offer:
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle – Pupils are encouraged to explore how they can reduce reuse and recycle their waste, all while learning more about the amazing products waste can be turned into.
- Composting Champions (seasonal) – This workshop gives pupils the practical skills to start composting at school as well as at home. It lets them explore the basics of composting, including where best to locate a composter, what to compost and how it works.
- Is Plastic Fantastic? – This session discusses the impacts of plastic on humans, animals and the environment.
- Love Food Hate Waste - This workshop raises awareness regarding issues on food waste, including appropriate storage of food, use by and sell by dates, meal planning and simple food leftover recipes.
If you would like to request some of our workshops, please email the recycling team and attach a completed copy of the workshop booking form.
A Plastic Ocean
In addition to our ‘Is Plastic Fantastic?’ workshop, we have a 22 minute version of the documentary film ‘A Plastic Ocean’. This award-winning documentary highlights the issue of plastic pollution which affects the planets oceans. It’s available to be shown to schools and community groups, accompanying activities can also be provided.
Litter picking kits for hire
Do you work for a school, volunteer at a local community group, or are simply passionate about protecting the environment? Why not organise a litter picking event and make use of the kits available to hire free of charge, from our partners at Associated Waste Management (AWM).
Now matter how big or small, clearing our streets of rubbish that should have been thrown away or recycled in a bin can make a big difference. Not only are we protecting the natural environment from harmful and unnecessary littering, but we are also making it more aesthetically appealing and more pleasant to live in.
As part of their Social Value Programme, AWM offer complete litter picking kits that contain all the essentials for a thorough and successful clean up of your local area.
If you are interested in hiring a kit, email