Annual accounts
The Council's Statement of Accounts provides information on the Council's income and spending during the financial year and its balances at the end of the financial year.
Statement of Accounts
The documents that make up the Statements are complex and we have to prepare them in line with the accounting rules that apply to all councils.
The principles we use to prepare each Statement of Accounts are set out in the Statement of Accounting Policies within the document.
A glossary at the end of the document explains key financial terms.
The Statements are audited by the Council's external auditors Ernst and Young LLP. Its opinion certificate is included in the document.
Audit Reports provide information about the statutory audit of the accounts by the Council's external auditors.
How can I examine the accounts or question the Council's external auditors?
The Council's draft accounts are available for inspection each year, normally in June. The Council's external auditors are also available to answer questions about the accounts during this period.
We announce further details and specific dates through this website.
Some of the documents on this page are not fully accessible. If you need the information in an accessible format please contact the Corporate Finance Department.
- Appointed day advert 2023
- Draft Statement of Accounts 2022/ 23
- Final Statement of Accounts 2022/23
- Independent auditor's report - 2022/23
- Appointed day advert 2022
- Draft Statement of Accounts 2021/ 22
- Final Statement of Accounts 2021/22
- Independent auditor's report - 2021/22
- Appointed day advert 2021
- Draft Statement of Accounts 2020/21
- Final Statement of Accounts 2020/21
- Independent auditor's report - 2020/21
- Draft Statement of Accounts 2018/19
- Appointed Day Advert 18-19
- Final Statement of Accounts 2018/19
- Ernst & Young Audit Report 2018/19
- Independent Auditors Opinion 2018-19
- Independent Auditors Report
- Audit of Accounts year ended March 2018 Public Notice
- Draft Statement of Accounts 2017/18
- Final Statement of Accounts 2017/18
- Audit of Accounts year ended March 2017 Public Notice
- Draft Statement of Accounts 2016/17
- Final statement of accounts 2016/17
- A list of assets owned by Derby City Council and their values as at 31.03.17
- Audit of Accounts year ended March 2016 Public Notice
- Draft Statement of Accounts 2015/16
- Final Statement of Accounts 2015/16