Open data and transparency
Open data involves the release of data so that anyone can access, use and share it.
The data is available in both a 'human-readable' format , such as PDF, and in open 'machine-readable' format that is not dependent on any specific software, such as CSV or XML.
You can download and use the data in a variety of ways. All that we ask is that you use it in accordance with the Open Government Licence which explains what you can and cannot do with the data.
Some data may be redacted (removed), to comply with exemptions under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. For example, information may be redacted if it is personal data or is commercially sensitive.
The data on this page can be used for research, reporting or publication. The information cannot be edited or used selectively to distort or misrepresent the data as a whole.
Please see our Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015 guidance for more information about how to apply to reuse our data.
We are currently preparing for Brexit. The Freedom of Information Act 2000, Section 22: Intended for future publication exemption applies to any Freedom of Information requests for the following information about Brexit. As it is still being prepared, it will be published at a later date, depending on when Brexit is agreed/finalised.
- Assessments
- Of a Chequers style deal or a Canada +++ -style free trade arrangement
- Of the loss of jobs, business and revenue in the area
- Impact assessments and impact studies
- Confirmation of expected budget/funding cuts
- Advice or notices given to stakeholders
- List of payments made to external organisations or companies for services in relation to preparations
- Reports, briefings, plans, documents and emails detailing preparations for Brexit
- Reports, briefings, plans, and documents detailing preparations for a “No Deal Brexit”, including in relation to:
- food supplies
- medical supplies
- fuel supply
- other civil contingencies
- Reports we have prepared on the impact on adult social care in the area and advice provided to contracted social care providers
- Risk registers or risk assessments we have made or used in 2019
Business rates accounts in credit/arrears/written on
In accordance with the findings of the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) in their decision notices FS50619844, FS50611353 and FS50643256, we do not publish information about credit balances or amounts 'written on' to business rates accounts.
The ICO has determined that this information is exempt from publication under Section 31(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the grounds that disclosure could result in fraudulent refund claims.
Council tax accounts in credit
In accordance with the findings of the ICO in their Decision Notices FS50619844, FS50611353 and FS50643256, we do not publish lists of council tax accounts in credit.
The ICO has determined that this information is exempt from publication under Section 31(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the grounds that disclosure could result in fraudulent refund claims.
Public health funerals
Public Health Funerals data 2014 - 2020
Public health funerals data 2021 is due to be published by April 2022.
We do not publish the following information:
- Deceased name
- Last known address
- Date of birth
This is because the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) Decision Notices (FS50584670, FS50586033 and FS50583220) supports the non-disclosure of the this information under Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Burials and cremations
Please see the publication scheme Public Health Funerals and Burials and Cremations data.
More information is in our Car parks and parking section.
We have CCTV cameras in various locations across Derby.
A review and audit of CCTV cameras is currently taking place. Results will be published as soon as possible.
More information is also available on our pages for:
We are required to publish information under paragraph 53 of the Local Government Transparency code about:
- number of occasions they use powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014, or similar powers
- total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud
- total number (absolute and full time equivalent) of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists
- total amount spent by the authority on the investigation and prosecution of fraud, and
- total number of fraud cases investigated
Please refer to our Counter fraud work for more information, which details work carried out by:
- Counter Fraud Team
- Internal Audit
- Legal Services
- Trading Standards
- Environmental Health
The information is updated annually.
In accordance with the findings of the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) in their decision notice FS50623497, we do not publish empty residential properties lists.
The ICO has determined that this information is exempt from publication under Section 40(2) and Section 31(1) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 on the grounds that disclosure could identify the property owners and be used for criminal purposes.
All food businesses operating within Derby City are subject to food safety inspections in accordance with Derby City Council’s inspection programme.
The food hygiene scores are published/publicly available on the Food Standards Agency website. Search by food premises name.
The website is updated every three weeks. The data relating to those businesses that achieve a food hygiene rating of 5 is published automatically at every upload, but for businesses that achieve a rating of 4 and below there is a 35 day delay from the date of the inspection to allow for any appeals.
As part of the Local Government Transparency drive, our GPC transactions are published on a quarterly basis.
All files are provided in CSV format.
- Procurement Card Data Spend October - December 2023
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2023
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2023
- Procurement Card Data Spend January - March 2023
- Procurement Card Data Spend October - December 2022
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2022
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2022
- Procurement Card Data Spend January - March 2022
- Procurement Card Data Spend October - December 2021
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2021
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2021
- Procurement Card Data Spend January - March 2021
- Procurement Card Data Spend October - December 2020
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2020
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2020
- Procurement Card Data Spend January - March 2020
- Procurement Card Data Spend October – December 2019
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2019
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2019
- Procurement Card Data Spend October - December 2018
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2018
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2018
- Procurement Card Data Spend January - March 2018
- Procurement Card Data Spend October - December 2017
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2017
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2017
- Procurement Card Data Spend January - March 2017
- Procurement Card Data Spend October - December 2016
- Procurement Card Data Spend July - September 2016
- Procurement Card Data Spend April - June 2016
The current licensed premises list is available by email.
Please contact the Licensing Team to get the latest copy of the list.
Licensing Team
Council House
Corporation Street
Phone: 01332 641951
Our pay policy supports the recruitment and retention of a capable and high performing workforce committed to the Council’s values in line with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011.
- Introduction to Senior Salary Report 2024/25
- Pay policy statement 2024/25
- Senior salary pay report 2024/25
- Pay policy statement 2023/24
- Senior salary pay report 2023
- Pay policy statement 2022/23
- Pay policy - senior managers 2022/23
- Pay policy statement 2021/22
- Pay policy - senior managers 2021/22
- Senior Officer Pay Report – 2020/21
- Pay policy statement 2020/21
- Pay Policy Statement 2019-20 - please refer to pages 128-178
- Pay Policy Statement 2018-19
- Pay Policy Statement 2017/18
- Interim Pay Policy Statement 2015/16
- Pay Policy Statement 2013/14
Under sections 113(7) and (8) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, we are required to publish data in relation to the payment of undisputed invoices.
Details are available in our Payment of undisputed invoices.
Contracts Register
Our Contracts Register is a list of contracts that we currently hold.
Information in the register includes:
- title of contract
- scope of contract
- annual value
- contract start and end dates
- supplier name.
2024 data
2023 data
- Contracts Register October to December 2023
- Contracts Register July to September 2023
- Contracts Register January to March 2023
- Contracts Finder April to June 2023
2022 data
- Contracts Register October to December 2022
- Contracts Register July to September 2022
- Contracts Register April to June 2022
2021 data
- Contracts Register October to December 2021
- Contracts Register July to September 2021
- Contracts Register April to June 2021
- Contracts Register January to March 2021
2020 data
- Contracts Register April to June 2020
- Contracts Register July to September 2020
- Contracts Register October to December 2020
2019 data
- Contracts Register April to June 2019
- Contracts Register July to September 2019
- Contracts Register October to December 2019
- Contracts Register January to March 2020
2018 data
- Contracts Register January to March 2019
- Contracts Register October to December 2018
- Contracts Register July to September 2018
- Contracts Register June 2018
- Contracts Register March 2018 - CSV
2017 data
- Contracts Register December 17 CSV
- Contracts Register September 2017 CSV
- Contracts Register September 2017 - Suppliers CSV
- Contracts Register September 2017 Excel
- Contracts Register September 2017 - Suppliers Excel
- Contracts Register June 2017 CSV
- Contracts Register June 2017 - Suppliers CSV
- Contracts Register June 2017 Excel
- Contracts Register June 2017 - Suppliers Excel
- Contracts Register March 2017 Excel
- Contracts Register March 2017- Register CSV
- Contracts Register March 2017- Suppliers CSV
2016 data
- Contracts Register December 16
- Contracts Register December 16 - Register
- Contracts Register December 16 - Suppliers
- Contracts Register September 2016.csv
- Contracts Register June 16 CSV
- Contracts Register March 16 CSV
2015 data
Invitations to tender or quote
These files are records of the tenders or quote projects that the Council has run.
2024 data
2023 data
- Invitation to Tender October - December 2023
- Invitation to Tender July - September 2023
- Invitation to Tender April - June 2023
- Invitation to Tender January - March 2023
2022 data
- Invitation to Tender October - December 2022
- Invitation to Tender July - September 2022
- Invitation to Tender April - June 2022
- Invitation to Tender January - March 2022
2021 data
- Invitation to Tender October - December 2021
- Invitation to Tender July - September 2021
- Invitation to Tender April - June 2021
- Invitation to Tender January - March 2021
2020 data
- Invitation to Tender January - March 2020
- Invitation to Tender April - June 2020
- Invitation to Tender July - September 2020
- Invitation to Tender October to December 2020
2019 data
- Invitation to Tender January - March 2019
- Invitation to Tender April – June 2019
- Invitation To Tender July to September 2019
- Invitation to Tender October - December 2019
2018 data
- Invitation to Tender April - June 2018
- Invitation To Tender January - March 2018 CSV
- Invitation To Tender July to September 2018
- Invitation To Tender October to December 2018
2017 data
- Invitation To Tender October - December 2017 CSV
- Invitation To Tender July - September 2017 CSV
- Invitation To Tender April - June 2017 CSV
- Invitation To Tender January - March 2017 CSV
2016 data
- Invitation To Tender October - December 2016 CSV
- Invitation To Tender July - September 2016 CSV
- Invitation To Tender April - June 2016 CSV
- Invitation To Tender January - March 2016 CSV
2015 data
- Invitation To Tender October - December 2015 CSV
- Invitation To Tender July - September 2015 CSV
- Invitation To Tender April - June 2015 CSV
- Invitation To Tender January - March 2015 CSV
2014 data
The 2014 contract for the Derbyshire and Derby City long term waste management project details the management of household waste. It has been replaced by the Sinfin waste management contract 2019.
Contracts between Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council
Contracts between Derby City Council and Derbyshire County Council with Resource Recovery Solutions (RRS) and/or Shanks/Interserve
- Index
- Project Agreement
- Schedule 1 - Specification
- Schedule 2 - Contractor and Holdco
- Schedule 3 - Payment Mechanism
- Schedule 4 - Reporting
- Schedule 5 - Construction Completion and Acceptance Tests
- Schedule 6 - Change in Law - Contractor's Share
- Schedule 7 - Relevant Discharge Terms
- Schedule 8 - Environmental Provisions
- Schedule 9 - Review Procedure
- Schedule 10 - Employee Information
- Schedule 11 - Insurance
- Schedule 12 - Commercially Sensitive and Confidential Information
- Schedule 13 - Waste Law List
- Schedule 14 - Performance Mechanism
- Schedule 15 - Project and Finance Documents
- Schedule 16 - Minor Facilities Protocol
- Schedule 17 - Waste Reception Protocol
- Schedule 18 - Project Liaison Group
- Schedule 19 - Not Used
- Schedule 20 - Not Used
- Schedule 21 - Unitary Charge Adjustment Protocol
- Schedule 22 - Title Defects
- Schedule 23 - Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Protocol
- Deed of Amendment and Restatement of Project
- Tenant's Statutory Declaration for Sinfin Site
Contracts relating to the use of the Sinfin Tannery site
The 2019 contract for the Derbyshire and Derby City long term waste management project details the management of household waste, and replaces the Sinfin waste management contract 2014.
The contract has been redacted under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, where there is personal data.
In 2010, the Government made it a requirement for local authorities to publish new items of spending over £500.
The information provides details of individual transactions that are over the value of £500 for the purchases of goods and services. The information has been taken from the Council's financial management system that is used for ordering and purchasing.
Some records have been excluded (redacted) from publication. This is where the information is:
- exempt from publication under the Data Protection Act
- personal and identifies an individual or where publication of the data can harm an individual. For example, information related to children or vulnerable adults
- commercially sensitive.
For transparency reasons, any information that has been redacted will be replaced with the words 'redacted personal data' or 'redacted commercial confidentiality'.
The document Local Transparency Expense Categorisations has more information about how we categorise our expenses.
Please note, note publish reports within 31 days of the end of a month. For example, January's report will be online by the end of February.
2024 data
- Supplier payments - August 2024 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - July 2024 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - June 2024 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - May 2024 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - April 2024 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - March 2024 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - February 2024 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - January 2024 (CSV)
2023 data
- Supplier payments - December 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - November 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - October 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - September 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - August 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - July 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - June 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - May 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - April 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - March 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - February 2023 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - January 2023 (CSV)
2022 data
- Supplier payments - December 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - November 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - October 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - September 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - August 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - July 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - June 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - May 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - April 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - March 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - February 2022 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - January 2022 (CSV)
2021 data
- Supplier payments - December 2021 (CSV)
- Supplier payments - November 2021 (CSV)
- Payments to suppliers October 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2021 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2021 in CSV format
2020 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2020 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2020 in CSV format
2019 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2019 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2019 in CSV format
2018 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2018 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2018 in XLSX format
- Payments to suppliers October 2018 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2018 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2018 in XLSX format
- Payments to suppliers June 2018 XLSX format
- Payments to suppliers May 2018 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2018 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2018 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2018 in CSV format
2017 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2017 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2017 in CSV format
2016 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2016 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers May 2016 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers April 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2016 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers March 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2016 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers February 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2016 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers January 2016 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2016 in PDF format
2015 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers December 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers November 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers October 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers September 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers August 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers July 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers June 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers May 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers April 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers March 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers February 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2015 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers January 2015 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2015 in PDF format
2014 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers December 2014 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers November 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2014 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers October 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2014 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers September 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2014 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers August 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2014 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers July 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2014 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers June 2014 CSV open data
- Payments to suppliers May 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2014 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2014 in PDF format
- Payments to suppliers March 2014 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2014 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2014 CSV format
2013 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2013 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2013 CSV format
2012 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2012 XLS format
- Payments to suppliers August 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2012 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2012 in CSV format
2011 data
- Payments to suppliers December 2011 CSV format
- Payments to suppliers November 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers October 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers September 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers August 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers July 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers June 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers May 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers April 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers March 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers February 2011 in CSV format
- Payments to suppliers January 2011 in CSV format
2010 data
The trade unions represented in the Council are Unison, Unite, GMB, NAHT, NEU, NASUWT, Prospect, and UCU.
The Trade Union (Facility Time Publication Requirements) Regulations 2017 came into force on the 1st April 2017. These regulations place a legislative requirement on relevant public sector employers to collate and publish, on an annual basis, a range of data on the amount and cost of facility time within their organisation
The facility time (FT) data that organisations are required to collate and publish under the 2017 regulations are:
- Number of employees who were trade union representatives during the relevant period.
- How many employees who were trade union representatives during the relevant period spent: 0%, 1 to 50, 51 to 99% or 100% of their working hours on facility time.
- Percentage of the total pay bill spent on trade union facility time.
- Percentage of time spent on paid trade union activities as a percentage of total facility time hours.
- Trade Union Act - Centrally employed TU reps return for April 2023 - March 2024
- Trade Union Act - Education function TU reps return for April 2023 - March 2024
- GOV.UK: Public sector trade union facility time data
- Trade Union Act - Centrally employed TU reps return for April 2022 - March 2023
- Trade Union Act - Education function TU reps return for April 2022 - March 2023
- GOV.UK: Public sector trade union facility time data
- Trade Union Act - Centrally employed TU reps return for April 2021 - March 2022
- Trade Union Act - Education function TU reps return for April 2021 - March 2022
- GOV.UK: Public-sector trade union facility time data
- Trade Union Act - Centrally employed TU reps return for April 2020 - March 2021
- Trade Union Act - Education function TU reps return for April 2020 - March 2021
- GOV.UK - Public sector trade union facility time data
- Trade Union Act - Centrally employed TU reps return for April 2019 - March 2020
- Trade Union Act - Education function TU reps return for April 2019 - March 2020
- GOV.UK: Public sector trade union facility time data
No contract, delivered in house.
Grants may be awarded to voluntary community and social enterprise sector for a range of activity or services. Information is published on a yearly basis.
Section 22 - Intended for future publication:
This exemption applies because the Council will start to collate this information after 2023/24 year end. The information will be published in the public domain on this webpage by 30 June 2024.
Section 22 - Intended for future publication:
This exemption applies because the Council will start to collate this information after 2022/23 year end. The information will be published in the public domain on this webpage by 30 June 2023.
- Voluntary grants 2019-2020 - Summary (csv)
- Voluntary grants 2019-2020 - Communities and Place (csv)
- Voluntary grants 2019-2020 - DEGF and D2 (csv)
- Voluntary grants 2018/19 (csv)
- Voluntary grants 2018/19 - Communities and Place (csv)
- Voluntary grants 2018-19 - DEGF (csv)
2016/17 and 2015/16
Please email with ideas for data you would like to see published.
Our Publication Scheme also includes more information about how we make decisions and spend money.
Details of requests received under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 are available on our disclosure log.
Who should I contact if I have a query?
If your query is about the information published, please contact the service directly.
If your query is about information that is not listed or out of date, please contact Information Governance.