Site map
- Advice and benefits
- Council Tax
- Benefits
- Benefits - fraud investigation
- Housing benefit - appeals
- Housing benefit - backdated claims
- Housing benefit - change of circumstances
- Housing benefit and Council Tax support - new claim
- Housing benefit - information for landlords
- Housing benefit - overpayments
- Local housing allowance
- Welfare Reform - changes to benefits
- Benefits - temporary absence
- Universal Credit
- Household Support Fund
- Healthy Start
- Discretionary Housing Payment and Council Tax Hardship Scheme
- Local Assistance Award Scheme
- Derby Advice: Money and benefit advice
- Emergencies
- Reporting fraud
- Cost of living
- Business
- Business support and advice
- Derby Enterprise Growth Fund
- Ascend
- Apprenticeship levy transfer
- Derby Jobs: Business recruitment support
- Skills support
- Redundancy support
- Connect Derby
- Wider business support
- D2N2 Growth Hub
- Enterprise Growth Strategy
- International trade
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund
- Make and Trade Grant Fund
- Derby City Centre Mural Artwork Commission Opportunity
- Business rates
- Print and Scanning Services
- Derby Market Hall
- Commercial waste and recycling
- Advertise in Derby
- Commercial property
- Tenders and contracts
- Town centre management
- Venues
- Business support and advice
- Community and living
- Births
- Family Hub and childcare
- Childcare providers and careers
- Family Hub
- Childcare and early years education
- Derby Holiday Activity and Food Programme (HAF)
- Derby's SEND Local Offer
- Derby LIVE
- Community advice
- Armed Forces Community Covenant
- Derby Compact
- Streetpride Champions
- Volunteering information and advice
- Voluntary organisation funding
- Support for Ukraine
- Schemes and resources for Ukrainian refugees
- Support for arrivals from Ukraine
- Community support for Ukrainian sponsors and guests
- Food, clothing, and furniture support for arrivals from Ukraine
- English for Speakers of Other Languages - supporting arrivals from Ukraine
- Financial support and services for arrivals from Ukraine
- Education, work, benefits, health and phones support for arrivals from Ukraine
- Travel support for people fleeing the war in Ukraine
- War crimes
- Homes for Ukraine scheme
- Donations for Ukraine
- Community centres and facilities
- Crime prevention and community safety
- Anti-social behaviour and nuisance
- Anti-social behaviour (ASB) case review
- Cyber crime - lock up online
- Domestic abuse
- Hate crime
- Modern slavery
- Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements
- Prevent
- Project Zao - Stand Up To Knife Crime
- Public Space Protection Orders
- Stalking and harassment
- Stay safe online
- Advice if you're concerned about protests
- Deaths, funerals and cremations
- Equality and diversity
- Marriages
- Safety
- Youth offending
- Youth support
- Council and democracy
- Consultations
- Council budgets, spending and performance
- Councillors, democracy and elections
- Citizenship ceremonies
- Councillors
- Council constitution
- Council minutes, agendas and reports
- Decision making in Derby
- Elections
- Annual Electoral Canvass
- Election information
- Election results
- European election results
- General election results
- Local election results
- 2022 local election results
- 2021 local election results
- 2019 local election results
- 2018 local election results
- 2016 local election results
- 2015 local election results
- 2014 local election results
- 2012 local election results
- 2011 local election results
- 2010 local election results
- 2008 local election results
- 2023 local election results
- Other election results
- Polling stations
- Postal votes
- Proxy votes
- Information for disabled voters
- Reporting electoral fraud
- Polling place review
- Voting in elections
- Voter ID
- Elections Act 2022
- Overseas voter changes
- Mayor of Derby
- Policies and plans
- Referenda
- Public and councillor questions and responses
- Customer services
- Data Protection
- Media and communications
- Neighbourhood partnerships
- Neighbourhoods service
- Neighbourhood working
- Wards A to C
- Wards D to S
- Neighbourhood board devolved budget funding
- Open data and freedom of information
- Statistics and census information
- Your council
- Your voice: Children and young people
- Partnership engagement with children and young people
- Derby's Youth Mayor
- Participation evidence
- Special Educational Needs and Disability: Voice of the child toolkit
- Voice of the Child toolkit - My Life, My Journey
- Voice Of Young People toolkit - My Life, My Journey
- Why listen to the voice of children and young people?
- Youth Council: Voices in Action (ViA)
- Your future
- Your voice
- Education and learning
- Schools and colleges
- Schools health
- School admissions
- Admission arrangements and policies
- Primary school admissions
- Apply for a reception or junior place for September 2025
- Change your reception or junior preferences
- Apply for a primary school transfer - Derby City Council
- Starting school later
- Waiting lists
- Find your nearest primary schools
- Child with special educational needs
- Check which school year your child is in
- How primary school places are decided
- If you move house
- Frequently asked questions
- Primary In Year Fair Access protocol
- Secondary school admissions
- Apply for a year 7 place for September 2025
- Change your year 7 preferences for September 2025
- Apply for a secondary school transfer
- Schools where pupils start from age 13
- Waiting lists
- Find your nearest secondary schools
- Child with special educational needs
- Check which school year your child is in
- How secondary school places are decided
- If you move house
- Frequently asked questions
- Secondary In Year Fair Access protocol
- School admissions appeals
- DfE Consultation update to the Schools Admissions Code
- Waiting lists
- Child with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND)
- Check which school year your child is in
- If you move house
- Frequently asked questions
- Home to School Travel Assistance
- Term and holiday dates
- School and academy contact details
- School closures
- Free school meals
- Travel support
- Elective home education (EHE)
- Derby SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
- Transport for 16 to 19 year olds
- Schools financial information
- Schools' forum
- School governors
- Bullying and harassment policy
- Children in Entertainment
- Children Missing Education (CME)
- Education welfare
- Music services in Derby City
- Suspension and exclusion of pupils
- Truancy
- Derby's SEND Local Offer
- SEND and inclusion in Derby
- Local Offer services directories
- Understanding your child's needs
- Parent carer support
- SEND Local Offer Disclaimer
- Local Offer service directories
- Early years and 0-5 childcare
- EHC assessments and plans
- What is an education, health and care plan? (EHCP)
- How to request an EHC needs assessment
- What to expect during an EHC needs assessment
- What to do if you disagree with our decision
- Education, health and care plan annual reviews
- Phase transfers
- Personal budgets
- SEND Tribunal national powers
- Tell us your views about the EHC process
- Moving on from special schools
- About the SEND team
- About the Local Offer
- Health and wellbeing
- Becoming an adult and preparing for the future
- Advice for professionals
- Education
- Home to School Travel
- SEND on Facebook
- Extra-curricular activities
- Derby Virtual School
- About Derby Virtual School
- COVID-19 - Derby Virtual School
- Educational resources
- Information for previously looked after children
- Information for schools
- Information for social workers and foster carers
- Attachment theory
- Designated teachers
- Exclusions
- Information about schools
- Key stages explained
- Ofsted
- Pupil Premium Plus (PP+)
- Personal Education Plan (PEP)
- School admissions for looked after children
- Special educational needs
- School leaving age
- Tests and assessments
- The role of a foster carer
- The role of a social worker
- Tips for encouraging children to read
- Adult education courses
- Learning choices at 16
- Resources for schools
- Schools and colleges
- Environment and planning
- Recycling and waste
- When is my bin day?
- What goes in which bin?
- What to do on bin day
- Missed bins
- Information for students
- Recycling Helper
- Recycling enquiry
- Bulky waste
- Reducing waste
- Assisted bin collection
- Clinical waste
- Raynesway Household Waste and Recycling Centre
- Bin requests
- Find out about bin charges
- Landlord and managing agent responsibilities
- Trade waste
- Commercial waste and recycling
- Waste Collection Service Standards
- Education
- Planning
- Conservation
- Regeneration and economic growth
- Building control
- Street care and cleaning
- Flooding and land drainage
- Property flood resilience grant scheme
- Before, during and after a flood
- Emergency flooding contacts
- European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) blue green infrastructure projects
- Flooding data requests
- Flood and water management
- Land drainage consent
- Our City, Our River (OCOR)
- Planning and flood risk management
- Report flooding or request advice
- Resident's role in flood risk management
- Flooding sources
- Reporting flooding
- Climate change
- Parks
- Maps and mapped data
- Future Fuels
- Recycling and waste
- Health and social care
- Fostering
- Children and family care
- Children in Care
- Early Help Assessment
- Supporting Families
- Child and family poverty
- Children and young people's mental health
- Joint commissioning for children and young people
- Adult social care - Your Life Your Choice
- Support from adult social care
- Jargon buster
- What is adult social care?
- Assessment for adult social care
- Advocacy - someone to speak on your behalf
- Financial assessment
- Support plans and personal budgets
- Prepaid cards for direct payments
- Social care out of hours
- Training services - adult social care
- Adult social care complaints
- Moving house and moving care
- Health and wellbeing
- Safeguarding adults
- Living independently
- Carelink
- My Care Directory: types of support locally
- Occupational therapy
- Shared Lives
- Aids and equipment
- Home First
- Support for people with Dementia
- Support for autistic people
- Support for people with visual impairment
- Support for people who are Deaf
- Adapting homes
- Personal assistants
- Homeshare
- Local Area Coordination
- Paying for your own care
- Being active in your community
- Information for carers
- Adults commissioning
- Support from adult social care
- Disabilities
- Blue Badge - disabled parking permits
- Disabled children and young people: The Light House
- Carelink
- Disabled parking bays
- Aids and equipment to support independent living
- Activities for disabled people
- Occupational therapy
- Support for autistic people
- Disabled People’s Parking Bay outside your home
- Advocacy service - Someone to speak on your behalf
- Support for people with visual impairment
- Meeting housing needs of people with physical disabilities
- Changing Places toilets for disabled people
- Support for people who are Deaf
- Public Health
- Safeguarding adults
- Safeguarding children
- Substance misuse
- Breastfeeding and breastfeeding support in Derby
- Mental health and wellbeing support
- Housing
- Housing options
- Homelessness or at risk of homelessness
- Nowhere to stay tonight
- Homeless or worried about becoming homeless
- Domestic abuse and homelessness
- Help for rough sleepers
- Concerned about a rough sleeper
- Young person told to leave home or homeless
- Care leavers and homelessness
- Private tenant at risk of becoming homeless
- Mortgage debt and repossessions
- Leaving prison and homelessness
- Leaving hospital and homelessness
- Ex-armed forces homelessness advice
- Mental health or impairment and homelessness
- Housing strategy action plan
- Land and premises
- Residential and extra care
- Empty homes
- Improvements and repairs
- Adapting homes
- Housing strategies and policies
- Leisure and culture
- Licensing
- Alcohol licences
- Animal licences
- Gambling
- Gambling premises
- Gambling permits
- Gambling terms and frequently asked questions (FAQs)
- Lottery registration
- Other licences
- Caravan site licence
- Cooling tower notification
- Leaflet distribution permit
- House to house collections licence
- Pleasure boat, vessel and boatperson licensing
- Scrap metal dealer licence
- Sex shop licence
- Stage hypnotism licence
- Street collection permit
- Tattoos, skin piercing, electrolysis, acupuncture and microblading registration
- Street trading consent
- Taxis
- Licences issued by other council teams and external organisations
- Licensing payments
- Maps
- Trading Standards and environmental health
- Pest control
- Environmental Health
- Environmental protection
- Food hygiene and food safety
- Health and safety
- Housing standards
- Smokefree
- Trading Standards
- Transport and streets
- Parking in Derby
- Penalty Charge Notices
- About Penalty Charge Notices
- Pay a Penalty Charge Notice
- Challenge a Penalty Charge Notice
- 01 - Parking on single or double yellow lines
- 02 - Parking or loading where a loading ban is in force
- 05 - Parked after the expiry of a pay and display ticket
- 12 - Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket
- 16 - Parked in a permit space or zone
- 19 - Parking in a residents' bay or zone with an invalid or expired permit
- 25 - Parked in a loading place or bay during restricted hours without loading
- 27 - Parked in a special enforcement area (adjacent to a dropped footway)
- 30 - Parking for longer than the allowed time in a limited waiting bay
- 34J - Driving down a bus lane
- 40 - Parked in a designated disabled persons' parking place without a Blue Badge
- 45 - Stopped in a taxi rank
- 47 - Stopped in a bus stop
- 48 - Stopped in a restricted area outside of a school
- 52M - Failing to comply with a prohibition on certain types of vehicle
- 62 - Parked with one or more wheels on a footpath
- 82 - Parked after the expiry of a pay and display ticket (car park)
- 83 - Parked without clearly displaying a valid pay and display ticket (car park)
- 87 - Parked in a designated disabled persons' parking place without a Blue Badge (car park)
- 99 - Stopped on a crossing area marked by zigzags
- How to challenge a Penalty Charge Notice
- About a charge certificate
- Appeal a Penalty Charge Notice
- Outstanding Penalty Charge Notices
- Penalty Charge Notice text message scam
- Parking permits
- Park and Ride
- School enforcement
- Blue Badge parking
- Bus lanes and bus stops
- Frequently asked questions
- MiPermit cashless parking
- Season tickets
- Report a parking problem
- Digital parking offers
- Parking annual reports
- Find parking
- CycleSecure
- Collision recovery
- Electric vehicle (EV) charging
- Moving traffic enforcement
- Penalty Charge Notices
- Cycling
- Public transport
- Roads, highways and pavements
- Stopping up orders
- Abnormal loads - notification
- Carlton Road and Whitaker Road: Proposed traffic calming
- Chester Green speed calming
- Darley Abbey Mills bridge
- Eastwood Drive traffic calming
- Gating Orders
- Gritting
- Hospital traffic at Manor Park Way
- Kingsway Retail Park junction
- Lighting - street lights
- Lighting - traffic lights
- Littleover Lane and Brayfield Road speed calming
- Pavements - obstructions
- Roads - bridge strengthening
- Roads - bridges
- Roads - closures and diversions
- Roads - enforcement
- Roads - flooding - drains and gullies
- Roads - funding of maintenance
- Roads - maintenance
- Roads - obstructions
- Roads - preventative programme of works
- Roadworks
- Street parking - pavements
- Traffic Regulation Orders
- About Traffic Regulation Orders
- Proposed Traffic Regulation Orders
- Sealed Traffic Regulation Orders
- Experimental Traffic Regulation Orders
- Vehicle access - kerbs
- Road safety
- Pre-school road safety
- Road safety films
- Car Seat Videos - Introduction
- Car Seat Guide - Group 0
- Car Seat Guide – Group 1
- Car Seat Guide – Group 2/3
- Combination Seats – Birth to 18kg, Rear Facing
- Combination Seats – Birth to 18kg, Forward Facing
- Combination Seats – 9kg to 36kg
- Fitting Tips – Buckle Crunch
- Fitting Tips – Bad and Negative Anchor Points
- Fitting Tips – Position of Child’s Harness
- Fitting Tips – Tightening Seat Belt – Rear Facing
- Fitting Tips – Tightening Seat Belt - Front Facing
- Law in Brief
- Can I use a child seat if air bags are fitted?
- When is it time for the next stage seat?
- What is the safest seat position?
- Moving my child into a booster seat/cushion
- Adult seat belt on a child’s body
- Child over limit in size and age but the seatbelt is okay?
- My child can't get their arms out of a harness
- Using second hand seats
- Using a car seat after an accident
- If a seat has 'Universal' on it, what does this mean?
- ISOFIX and its benefits
- Using a car seat from abroad
- My car manufacturer’s own child seat or built in seat
- Sitting my child in the front seat
- Primary school education
- Secondary school education
- Have your say
- Commercial services
- Transport policy
- Travel plans
- Walking
- Managing our highway assets
- Air quality and roadside emissions
- Electric vans
- Transforming Travel - Connecting Derby
- Bee-friendly bus shelters coming to Derby
- Street naming and numbering
- Parking in Derby
- Jobs and careers
- News